Today I learned systemd has a role in the disk mounts. You can’t just add a disk to fstab, mount it, and expect things to be hunky dory. Noooo…

If you change a mount point to another disk like I did to swap disks around in your directory mounts for whatever the reason. I was renaming and adjusting the mounts of a disk to move it up in the disk numbering scheme I use. From /media/DataArchive5 to /media/DataArchive3 to add a new 5th disk to DataArchive5. #5 was origionally meant to expand capacity till #3 died and had to take it’s place since it was empty. Now the newest disk will be #5.

Systemd didn’t like me changing the fstab file to work with this new arrangement. Ended up having to use a work-around listed here. Comment mount entry, run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl reset-failed, uncomment entry, run systemctl daemon-reload again. Annoying but it works.

I discovered this snafu when I tried to mount the new disk to an existing mount point that was associated with the now dead disk because it’s fstab entry was still there and uncommented. The more you know, eh?

I suppose I knew this was a thing for some time now but didn’t really think it could get ya till it does. Like, “Why isn’t my disk mounting?”. checks dmesg log Logs show disk is immediately unmounted when mounted. “huh? why u do dis computer?”. To the googles and that’s how I found that bug post. One might note I use ubuntu for my server but it’s still systemd that’s running the show. Normally it just works till you do something it doesn’t like and silently blocks you. lol

Maybe things like this is what has some people hating on systemd. oh well, it’s part of the system. might as well get used to it. I prefer it over init.d. hides from the pitchforks

Anyway, just thought I’d mention. Cheers.