Linux Tips: Caching in Ram
If you’re like me, you’re probably running linux on a SSD and wish to reduce the amount of writes as much as possible to prolong the life of your SSD and if you regularly view image or video files in your file browser than this tip is for you.
My file browser, or nemo as it’s called, saves it’s thumbnails in ~/.cache/thumbnails. This folder can get quite big if you happen to browse folders full of images every day.
Bootable USB Swiss Army Knife
If you’re in the computer repair business then good valuable tools are nice to have around. Especially if you fit them all onto one little usb flash drive.
CentOS x86_64 Minimal Clonezilla (Clone Hard Drives and SSDs) Dan’s Boot ’n Nuke (Wipe out them pesky bits on the hard drive. :) ) FreeDOS Gparted Live (Standalone Partition Editor) Hiren’s Boot CD Kali Linux (For the “hacker” in you. :P) Linux Mint or your distribution of choice.
Switched Rear Power Ports
A little something I did for my pc I shall attempt to describe the process. On my computer, I have rigged up 3 4-pin molex connectors on the rear panel of my case that are wired to 3 switches mounted in a spare 5.25" bay. There is a 4th switch that is intended for internal lighting if I wanted at a future date. I presently have them wired to output 12v to both power pins on each connector.